It is Wednesday Online Workshop card day! This is the card I will demonstrate for the Merriest Moments Bundle during my next Online Workshop free class. You can go see the videos on my Online Workshop FB group. Make sure you join my extra special FB group here. Normally, it is on the 15th of each month, but I will be away the 15th, so the next one is November 8th at 7 pm MT.
On yesterday’s FB Live, I told everyone that I did 3 sets of the dies and had leftover pieces after creating the three cards. I used some of the leftovers on this card.
It is a very Real Red, Pool Party, and Basic White week!
Click on this graphic to go to my Online Workshop Facebook Page.
Below are the links to the supplies used to create this card. They will take you to my online shop. When you purchase after you click on the link, I do earn a small commission as your demonstrator. I truly appreciate you choosing me as your demonstrator. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Keep Creating!
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